We’ve already discovered the difference between emarketing and internet marketing in the world today. While they may seem very similar, they are actually distinct categories that handle different areas of digital marketing. Emarketing is one of the most critical elements your business needs to focus on because it puts a great deal of emphasis on building and maintaining relationships with consumers. Without consumers, what is your business?
While there are many, many strategies and approaches you can take to reaching your target audience, gaining their trust and then maintaining that connection throughout the years, let’s focus on the four biggest areas.
If you aren’t doing this, start immediately. This is how you maintain those relationships over time. You collect a consumer’s email address through various means and then send them timely correspondence to maintain contact over time. Put an opt-in box on your website and all correspondence that goes out so there is always a way for people to sign up. Run contests online and in-store where, if they provide their name and email, they have a chance to win a prize. You can also offer a discount or promotional code for a product or service in exchange for an email address.
What you send in those communications after you acquire a person’s email addy is truly up to you and your marketing goals. You could do a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter filled with tips, articles and fun facts pertaining to the industry you are in or anything that might offer your consumer a solution to one of their problems. Everyone loves coupons and freebies so you can let everyone know about new products and services dropping by offering a discount code or sample to try. You can let them know about upcoming events and contests or simply send them a weekly inspirational quote. Make sure your content is well-thought out and provides some value for the consumer.
The great thing about email campaigns nowadays is that there are so many free or reasonably priced services that can run and maintain everything for you. Places like Constant Contact, AWeber and MailChimp all collect information, sort them into lists, send out autoresponders and schedule your content for you. You simply need to create the content and plug it in accordingly.
Let’s say you sell shirts. When you are in the real world, you talk to other people who love shirts, attend conventions and lectures about shirt processes and talk with people throughout your day about what shirts they love and why. So, do this ONLINE too. Treat social media and forums like you are chatting with your neighbor or a waitress at the restaurant you frequent who had a question about the shirt you are wearing. Find social media groups, blogs and forums throughout the internet where people who love shirts congregate and get involved. Join these groups and answer questions or even question other answers and processes to learn more and teach your community. Always be polite, positive and offer constructive solutions.
Don’t push your products or services. If it comes up, sure, but these folks are looking to talk about the industry in general and not to hear about how amazing you think you are. Be sure to flesh out your profiles on these forums and social platforms so they have information about your business and a website link or access to your ecommerce site. Your profile is where you can truly include all of your information without being off-putting in comments or conversation.
You don’t have a blog? Why not? They are free, easy to maintain and provide an insane amount of relationship building potential. This is a perfect opportunity to showcase your expertise on your industry and establish yourself as a though leader and solution provider. Don’t go crazy with pushing your products. If it fits into the piece you are doing, fine, but focus more on providing real information and quality solutions for your audience. Help them figure out better ways to do things or explain complex situations so they know more going into it. If your content is interesting and holds valuable information, people will pay attention. Articles, infographics, how to videos, guides, walk-throughs, case studies, reviews – whatever you create, make sure it is of use to your audience.
By distributing key information about your industry, people begin to see you as an expert and will consistently turn to you for answers. Giving of yourself without asking for anything in return really resonates with individuals and you will gain their trust and loyalty over time. This is the most priceless gift you can receive in marketing and not only solidifies your company and products but increases your revenue and reach.
A great way to include the community and raise interest with your target audience is to integrate offline activities with the online world. For instance, run an open house, product demonstration or family fun day at your store and share the event with the internet. You can promote it online and explain why it’s important or offer updates on what takes place before, during and after so those that can’t attend can catch up on important lectures or something they may have wanted to see. During the event, you can record speakers or action and use that as content for blog posts or freebies for weeks after. You can spin one lecture into a short video, article or even poll all speakers for a quick survey. Content is king and events offer many different channels for you to collect and present it in fresh ways.
A great idea is to engage the audience that attends your event online. Take pics of the audience and ask people on Facebook or Instagram to tag themselves in it. This will exponentially increase the amount of people who view that picture. You can record attendees reactions to the event or gather opinions about important topics and create content from this. Notify the individuals included in the content so they can share it with their social media followers as well.
Emarketing is truly the most valuable of all digital marketing because without consumers there is no business to be had. Getting in front of their eyeballs isn’t enough anymore. People want to feel appreciated and feel like they are benefiting in some way. They are tired of faceless marketers hammering them for sales and want to feel like they are a part of something – that they belong in some way. By focusing on including them and interacting on more personal levels, you can truly affect an individual, their habits and, in the long run, how they shop. Be genuine, be original and have fun!
Trust me – they know when you’re faking it!
If you find yourself a little short on the time needed to launch a full scale marketing plan or feel like you might be missing something, give us a call and find out how we can help.
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