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Become Iron Man During Your Own Game Of Thrones

See what I did there?  Lured you into reading this by simply mentioning an Avenger and one of the hottest, and dare I say controversial, shows on today.  Nope – you don’t have to wait for winter to come.  It’s REALLY that easy.
This is just a quick marketing tip that popped into my mind to share this gloriously beautiful afternoon.  Relating your topic to something trending right now can not only help drive traffic to your post but can stand out among the crowded atmosphere of competition content.  Folks love what they love and by playing off of hot button issues and popular television shows, movies, trends and people, you can use the internet juice of those items to boost your own content.
Simply find a way that your topic can be compared to a trending subject.  For instance, does your industry somehow compare to the latest epic battle in Game of Thrones?  Okay, share how it does.  What do they have in common?  Which character do you feel the closest to in regards to navigating your business field?  By making a comparison to something a person loves, not only does it intrigue them but it can also teach them about your industry or product along the way.
Don’t Overdo It!
Not every article or content you generate should be compared to the same topic or follow that trend because you will become boring and predictable.  Try it a few times in order to coax those lookie-loos into checking out your article or watching that how-to vid.  You can be silly or show your genuine love for that tv show or book and still get your message across.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is to never mislead anyone.  Don’t promise them a walk-on role (unless you can make it happen) if they read your article, don’t plagarize or break any copyrights or spoil any plot lines.  Just a gentle comparison is more than appropriate.  In that instance, you can truly be an Iron Man in your own industry, a.k.a. Game of Thrones.

For more tips, tricks and advice on SEO, marketing and computers themselves, check back here for fresh content weekly.


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