You have probably heard that your money is in your list. This is true.
Email marketing is a powerful advertising tool and a great way to reach and engage consumers or potential consumers. You can provide them with great content, tips, coupons and company announcements while occasionally pitching products or announcing new releases. A loyal and properly engaged email marketing list tend to follow call-to-actions more often than not. So, yes, there can be substantial money made from your email marketing list.
The reasons a person may not sign up for email lists are numerous. They could be overwhelmed by similar emails, not all that interested in your product or company, not finding value in the information you provide or you are too light on great content and too heavy on selling. While many variations of these could occur, another reason they may not join your list is simply because you ask too much of them.
Yep. You might just be asking for too much information.
You have to remember that the attention span of the average user online is extremely short. There is so much stimulation on the internet that the general mindset has become “hit it and quit it” over all else. If you want them to sign up for your email list, you need to just get the essential info from them. Basically, you just need their email but asking for a first name isn’t so bad either. The less you ask for up front, the less likely you will bore them and drive them on.
As a business owner, OF COURSE you want the most information you can get from your consumer. Where they found out about you, how they use your product/service, things they would like to see you offer or directions they are interested in seeing the company go. The reality is that asking for all of this information up front will turn the consumer off and feel like a chore. If they feel like they have to fill out endless forms, they will simply leave your site and never join your list. You have to make your contact form as lazy and painless as possible.
But, how will you get that vital info you are chomping at the bit to know?
Ask them later. Once they sign up on your list, you have the chance to interact with them further. Down the line, offer a discount or incentive for them to fill out a short survey or run a contest with a bigger prize or a free product/service if they answer a few key questions. You are only limited by your own imagination.
Just remember to always think of how you can help them instead of how they can help you.
If you find yourself a little short on the time needed to launch a full scale marketing plan or feel like you might be missing something, give us a call and find out how we can help.
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