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Google, Wix and Others Are Really Hurting You

If applications and places like Google and Wix make creating websites, pages and marketing so easy, why should you pay for it, right?
This is the great DISSERVICE that all of these companies are doing for businesses.  They offer these items to drum up more customers for themselves and make their application more appealing overall but they fail to tell you that marketing on the internet is much more complex than that.  There are distinct strategies you NEED to employ in order to rise in search rankings and get in front of more customers.
Just because you have a Google My Business page doesn’t mean that you will be a rock star in Google Maps.  Sure, you will pop up somewhere on there, but your competitors who are actually optimizing their websites and implementing marketing campaigns can easily knock you off or push you down lower.  Google doesn’t tell you that, do they?
The main issue is that everyone wants to be huge on the internet for FREE or dirt CHEAP.  Well, when you go to work, do you want your boss to only give you half a paycheck for a full day’s work?  No.  You probably don’t.  Then why are you so willing to short change a person who has studied every internet tactic and made it their career to improve a company’s visibility online?  Why should THEY be paid a half a paycheck for a full day’s work?
Some people assume the internet is “free and easy” so how hard are those marketing people really working?  Pretty darn hard.  They know all of the strategies and tactics that take HOURS, DAYS and even WEEKS just to set up and initiate well.  They know all of the things that Google, Wix and others DON’T tell you and, not just how to do them, but how to do them VERY WELL.  They aren’t trying to price gouge you – this stuff isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen overnight.
So the next time you think that you should pay pennies for becoming amazing on the internet, getting a ton of new customers and actually increasing your revenue, ask yourself if YOU would be okay with being paid pennies for your wisdom, blood, sweat and tears.
In short, don’t let Google and other companies lull you into thinking marketing is simply what they provide.  If you want to make serious money, trust your marketing team.  They know their stuff.
When You Are Ready To Build Your Audience and Increase Your Revenue, Contact SEO Services Advertising Agency!


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