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How To Write SEO Friendly Articles

What Is An SEO Friendly Article?
Quite simply, an SEO friendly article is amazing content written to answer questions first and then leave a few crumbs for search spiders to nibble on.
How To Write SEO Friendly Articles
Keep in mind that your priority should be putting out solid, informative content.  With that as your guideline, here are a few quick tips to help you craft better content to appease users and search engines both.
List The Searcher Intent – Before you even begin to write your content, you should know what question you are trying to answer.  What is the searcher putting into the Google, Bing or Yahoo box?  You want to make sure you are solving their problem.  Search engines actually do NOT have the answers to questions.  They simply use an algorithm to recommend sites they THINK has the best answer for the user’s question.  In some cases, the sites they recommend may not actually have the most up to date information.  This is why a well-written content piece, such as yours, might be necessary.
Your meta titles and content in the body of your piece are the most important elements.
Visual Content Outline – You should map out a visual outline of the content you are creating to answer the user’s question.  There should be a nice mix of visual elements planted within your article.  For instance, some articles contain short videos, infographics, charts, surveys or quotes to better explain an idea being written about.  Be sure that your visual content enhances your content and isn’t off topic or introducing another topic that can be used for and explained in an entirely new article.
Having an outline will also help you fine-tune the article and make sure you aren’t keyword stuffing or creating mounds of fluff instead of useful content.
SEO Pro Tip - How To Write SEO Friendly Articles
Write For User First and Sprinkle For Search Engines – While already stated in this article, it bears repeating.  You should ALWAYS be writing for the user first and then go back into your article and add a few key elements for search engines.  These crumbs you are sprinkling are long tail keywords, seo phrases and anything else you might use to boost your rankings juice.
Great SEO writers can do both in one shot by employing words, phrases or concepts that are deemed “commonly associated” with a search query.  Search engine brains are noticing words that SHOULD be included with phrases.  For instance, a page talks about “breeds of cats” but doesn’t list them.  Google is more likely to highly rank a page that says “breeds of cats” AND lists the breeds.  Its algorithm is intelligent enough to know those words belong together.
Nowadays, it is all about the user experience.  Did your content answer their question?  Are they clicking on other articles and engaging more deeply with your site?  Great content and how a user interacts with that content is the heart of SEO for 2019.
SEO Pro Tip 2 - How To Write SEO Friendly Articles
Find a Hook For Influencers To Amplify and Link To –  It’s just like that Blues Traveler song, “the hook brings you back.”  You want others to find something memorable or a reason to come back to your article.  Whether it be a disaster story, problem-solving, FAQ or industry news hook, it’s the sole reason an influencer or publication might want to share your story or link to it.  Getting links from high-ranking sites is still one of the most important factors in SEO so if your article can be engaging enough and create that moment, that hook, that snares them and has them giving you a backlink – that’s the ultimate!
For copywriting, the hook is usually the art of the headline.  From that point it’s all about how you spin a topic to make it more informative, exciting or tempting for a reader.  Be creative and think outside the box but don’t get discouraged.  Play around with how you present or assemble hooks in your articles and track how it interfaces on your site and social media.  You will eventually find a winning formula that can enhance your writing skills.
Creating SEO friendly content just takes a little practice and adaptation to trends.  You should always be evolving how you create content to align with the ever changing world of SEO.  In this case, flexibility is the greatest tool you will have as a copywriter in the marketing world.

If Creating Content and Marketing for SEO Isn’t Your Thing, Contact SEO Services Advertising Agency Today!  Let Us Worry About the Hard Stuff So You Don’t Have To.
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